
Broken laptop recovered using an Arduino

We see Arduino boards used in a lot of projects but we’ve never thought of using one as a USB crossover cable. That’s basically what [Jack the Vendicator] did to get his broken laptop running. When his video card stopped working he found himself unable to access the laptop.

How to Find Keylogger on Your Computer

Keylogger malicious program is one of the biggest security threat today and is the cause of most identity theft cases. This article will provide a brief description of keyloggers, how they are spread and what is the fastest way to remove them.

How strong is your password - Check it with Password checker

Test the strength of your passwords: Enter a password in the text box to have Password Checker help determine its strength as you type.

Top 10 Data/Packet Sniffing and Analyzer Tools for Hackers

Top 10 Data/Packet Sniffing and Analyzer Tools for Hackers
In common industry usage, a sniffer (with lower case “s”) is a program that monitors and analyzes network traffic, detecting bottlenecks and problems. Using this information, a network manager can keep traffic flowing efficiently.

Kinect X-Ray Hack: No Those Aren’t Your Innards

How’d you like to be able to see your insides courtesy of your Microsoft Kinect. Sorry, you can’t. But thanks to this hack, you might be able to use the Kinect to see a virtual model of your guts using the Xbox 360′s wonder-gadget.

Six Downloads to Improve Microsoft Office

Here are six programs that bring Office a lot closer to what it should be. The first three work across multiple Office applications, improving the much-loved--and much-hated--ribbon-based interface. The other three are application-specific, giving Outlook, Word, and Excel additional capabilities that Microsoft either didn't think of or didn't bother with.
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