
Secure Your Passwords with Password Vault

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About the size of a smart phone, this is the device that secures account information for website addresses, usernames, passwords, and ATM PINs, and stores them for immediate retrieval. Unlike password information stored on a computer, your passwords are stored offline in the vault’s memory, ensuring sensitive information can never be compromised.

The vault’s keyboard slides out–accounts and additional text notes can be typed after entering an initial password. It can store up to 400 account records, mitigating the risky practice of leaving passwords on notes under keyboards or using one password for all accounts. Buttons scroll between accounts for display on the LCD. In case the device is misplaced, lost, or stolen, five unsuccessful attempts to access your accounts will lock the device for 30 minutes–your passwords are safely protected. The entire device can be reset–permanently erasing all data–by pressing the reset button. Built-in flash memory retains passwords in memory when the CR2032 battery requires changing.

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